Who are The Wildlife Nomad

Craig Thomson, a lifelong naturalist, first picked up a camera when he was 17, heading out to Kenya on safari. Since that first trip, some 34 years ago, Craig has watched and photographed wildlife around the globe, working hard to develop a solid understanding of animal behaviour, fieldcraft, camera techniques, and editing skills. In 2022, this culminated in him following his lifelong dream of becoming a full-time professional Wildlife Photographer.

In 2018, Craig & his wife (Su) purchased and started renovating an old farmhouse on top of a hill in Rural France where European Wildcat, Martens, Red Squirrels, Badgers, Foxes, Brown Hares, Ravens and Barn Owls visit the garden and adjacent field. This Wildlife haven gives Craig the necessary space and privacy he needs to set up hides, feed stations, and various indoor and outdoor “studios” for photographic purposes, and to run courses on animal behaviour, fieldcraft and wildlife photography.

Craig & Su currently split their time between the UK & France, where Craig is a Full time Professional Wildlife Photographer & Wildlife Guide and Su is a writer.

Wildlife Photography Courses available in the UK & France..…