Wildlife Photography Courses & Guiding

For too many people, Wildlife is something they see on TV, or get the briefest of glimpses of whilst out walking. We want to change that and show you how to find, watch, and photograph your local Wildlife, in a low impact way.
— Craig Thomson, The Wildlife Nomad
  • Mammals

    Would you like to be able to reliably find and identify field signs of European mammals? Whether you want to photograph Deer in the West Country, Otters in Scotland, or European Wildcat or Martens in France, our tailored courses can help you find, track and photograph these iconic animals.

  • Bird Life

    Want to learn how to identify and photograph garden and woodland birds, or maybe watch Peregrine Falcons training their young to hunt? How about help photographing Kingfishers or Barn Owls? We can support you both at home and abroad to capture on film a diverse range of birds.

  • Macro Studio

    Do you need to rent a studio dedicated to photographing and filming the smaller side of nature, or maybe you would just like to commission The Wildlife Nomad to shoot the images or B Roll you need for your next article or wildlife film. Please contact us to discus your needs.

Wildlife Photography Courses available in the UK & France..…